The following pictures show the consequences of living with a psychotic kitten (Mosè, of course).
He's young and hyperactive and he likes playing with everything he can get his little paws on. Moreover he like biting like a dog so we have to be careful that he doesn't damage newspapers, books, magazines, clothes and plants.
Le seguenti immagini mostrano le conseguenze del vivere con un gattino psicotico (Mosè, ovviamente).
E' giovane e iperattivo e gli piace giocare con qualsiasi cosa sulla quale riesca a mettere le sue zampette. Inoltre gli piace mordere come un cane, perciò dobbiamo fare attenzione che non rovini giornali, libri, riviste, vestiti e piante.
No piece of paper is safe in this house
My hands after playing with the psychotic kitten
This is was my wool blanket
Psychotic kitten in action (look at his eyes!)
Psychotic kitten sleeping (isn't he adorable?)